Saturday 2 February 2013

Waiting around to love?


The word itself makes my mouth water in a way. What is love? And can it truly be defined? Can it be touched? Altered? Controlled?

Desire. Passion. Lust.

Why do I even want to write about love? Because! Love is one of the few things that makes me tick. One of the few things that gives me a reason to live. Out of love comes passion, and out of passion comes life. Passion and love, for me, is the real essence of life, something that can make us move mountains, tear up trees by their roots, cross continents without eating or drinking for days, risk our lives and challenge everything that stands in our way.

That's what love is for me.

Sure, one can talk of love between all creatures, that we're all connected and cuddly-doo, which we ofc are. But loving someone for the sake of loving is like wearing shoes just for the sake of wearing shoes, not that you actually might need to wear shoes at that particular moment. That might've sounded a bit wrong, and easy to misunderstand, what I mean is that, for me, love is so powerful and holy that I reserve it for the most powerful of moments, when passion is truly in the air and the sheer energy from it cannot be controlled or contained. When everything else disappears into a grey blur of nothingness and all that exists is you and the person whom you might be in love with, or the passion you might have for something, as love does not only include coupling between people, but also lust for something to do, somewhere to be, someone to be. Life itself!

I can think of no better feeling as when i'm passionately in love with someone or something, when all else fades away, all your focus is concentrated on that person, or that particular "thing"(not meaning object as in "stuff")/idea you long for or wish to do, or place to be. No rules, no laws, no hinders, no money, no society, no nothing can stand for long in the way of anyone who's truly passionately in love with someone/something. Nothing! If you're truly and deeply in love, nothing else matters and there is always a way. Always! If your heart truly desires what you think you might love, then you will find a way to make it happen, whatever it might be. If not, you will find an excuse not to.

I want you. You want me. Let us become one. It is as simple as that.

You hear me, life?