Thursday 13 May 2010

Fear! Fear! Fear!

All our lives we run around being scared, frightened, spooked. Scared of being murdered, raped, mugged(robbed), physically abused, fooled, tricked, neglected, forgotten, hated, despised, hurt, laughed at, poor, homeless, jobless, childless, lonely. We are simply scared into oblivion, especially in this western society of "ours".
What we do not understand, we fear and alternatively hate. If we do not agree, we fear it and cast it aside. Change is fear. Life is fear. There is always someone out to hurt us. We cannot trust anyone.
That's what we are told atleast.
"Do not talk to strangers", "Do not pick up hitchhikers", "Do not recieve gifts from strangers". Does it ring a bell? Ofcourse it does. All our lives we've heard these phrases. And we have all learned on the TV via movies and the news what happens if we do break these "sacred" rules. This is propaganda, brainwashing. What they are basically saying is that we should all stick to ourselves, that your business is your business alone. This refrains us from helping eachother. We isolate ourselves even though we are surrounded by millions and millions of people who are in the same situation. We create security in gadgets. We're taught to do this from birth, because there is always an enemy, a murderer, a rapist etc.
When we're children there is the monster underneath the bed, in the closet, and the stranger lurking in the bushes. When we grow up there is the terrorist/freedomfighter, in the 50's it was the communist, there has always been a "boogey-man", wether it has been a "savage", a french, a german, a heathen, a christian, a muslim, an american, a north-korean, there is always someone, as we have been told, out to hurt us, to kill us, to take away everything that we hold dear.
And this mentality never lets go. It infects all "layers" of society, all subcultural groups use this fear to seal themselves off. There is always an "us and them". There is always someone to blame. To hate, to laugh at, to spit at, to despise and to fear. Your closest friend might be your next enemy.
This fear is not natural. It is created, we all know that. It is easier to control a bunch of sheep that is scared and crying for help, than to control a pack of wolves who are confident, secure and independent.
We are stripped of our confidence at birth, same with our independence. We are made scared so we have to depend on our governments, "our" society for safety and protection, and it's not even us it protects in the first place, it protects the elite from us. Holds us in place. With fear. And it works, astonishingly well. Everyone buys it.
They create the fear, the murderers, the rapists, the wars they so highly warn us of. They? Governments, religious institutions, multinational corporations, banks, capitalists in general to keep their interests running. The money must flow. Power must be maintained. And to be able to do what they want, even before our very own eyes, they create this fear to keep us in check. They create the problem and they offer a solution, for a price.

But, what if we one day would just let go of this fear? Opened up our eyes and realised that all this fear around us isn't real? Yes, there are murderers, rapists and robbers out there, but they themselves are created in a world that is not real. The world is upside down.There is no "us and them", there is only "us".
What if we one day would stop a stranger on the street and tell that stranger that we trust her/him? That we offer our help, in any way we can? What if we for once stopped complaining and just decided to walk out of the job we hate so much, to reclaim our lives? What if we one day pulled over and picked up that wet, hungry hitchhiker sitting by the road, even though he's male, shaggy and bearded? What if we just for once trusted our guts instead of the headlines? What if we for once took a last look at our apartments, our things, our gadgets, our cars, and just left, walking out into the wilderness, creating a whole new life for ourselves? What if we one day just decided to quit smoking, decided to quit drink alcohol, decided to quit using money?

What if we all would just let go? There are hundreds or thousands of people out there doing it right now, thousands more have already done it. People are slowly waking up.
Another way of life IS possible.

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