Monday 17 May 2010

Thinking and twisting.

So, i've talked a lot about freedom, reclaiming ones life and following ones dreams. But how do you achieve it? How do you really let go? What does it really mean? Is my way the solution for everyone?
First off: We all know when, how and if to let go. To break free.
All we have to do is to listen to ourselves, be honest with ourselves. Take a chance, a risk or two. And if someone tells you what you wish to do is impossible, or you feel that you can't do it in fear of what others might think, then screw them. It's your life, you make the decisions, not the people around you.
Ofcourse it won't come easy, you'll probably have to sacrifice quite a lot, and it might take some time before you finally reach your goal, but if you're persistent/stubborn enough, you'll be able to do it. There is nothing called "impossible". Never forget that our lives is one long learning process. If you hit a wall, or get knocked down, learn from it, get up and walk around it, or simply break it down. Mistakes are there to be learned from, same with hardships. It's called "life".

The key is to be open-minded.

Some of us end up alone along the way, friends disappear since they have no clue of what you're talking about when you try to explain to them what you're doing. Or they just refuse to listen.
Changing and pursuing ones dreams, and going on your path is not an easy decision. It's hard, mentally, but in the end it'll be worth it.
In my situation, these past 6-7 months since I decided to finally let go, I've come in contact with several people who are in the same situation. I've opened my eyes and finally seen who are truly my friends and who aren't. I've given up a lot, but i've also gained a lot. Insight, especially. I mean, when I decided to let go of everything, several new doors have opened up for me. I know what to do and how. The world is full of opportunities. Am I scared? Ofcourse i'm scared, I sit from time to time wondering what the hell i'm doing. But that's life.

Now i've started doing things I haven't done since I was a kid. I walk around in the forests where I currently live, I explore, I climb "mountains", or hills, I cross small rivers, even though I might end up soaking wet and covered in mud I laugh about it. Right now i'm even learning how to play the irish tin whistle. I'm doing things again. I'm learning things again. I'm starting to live again.
It feels so nice to finally breathe again. For several years I did nothing whatsoever. I didn't learn anything. I simply wasn't interested. I had a severe depression for years and years(I wasn't even aware of it, until in december 2009 when a "shrink" told me). I wasn't interested in my friends, nor were they interested in me. I did things by routine, I drank alcohol, went to punk rock shows or just stayed at home playing computer games, since that's what I knew. That was my false sense of security. And I hated it. Every second of it.

But now when i've started to live again, can't I just stick around? Still keep my job and perhaps find myself a suitable wife, learn how to drive, get a pet, a house of my own?
No, it doesn't work like that. When I finally get out of this, I cannot possibly come back, not in a very long time atleast. I simply don't want to. I don't want to live in this society. I want to follow the wind, bound by none or nothing. And I will do it, in a way i'm already there.
I'm reclaiming my life and i'm doing it for good.

There is no past, there is no future, there is only now.

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